Please familiarise yourself with these policies before you begin blogging, tweeting or disseminating information in any way involving Distinctly, our work and our clients.

Personal websites, blogs, Twitter, social networks and other types of online publishing are integral to our agency. There are however some important guidelines that must be followed by everyone, when posting comments or information online.


Our people should:

Our people should not:


When posting messages or any audio visual material on the internet, individuals must act in a way which does not bring the agency into disrepute. Always show proper respect for others' privacy and their views, even if those views are different from your own.

Only use the agency’s logos in accordance with agency policy. Never use the logos of others without consent.

If the agency has authorised the micro site or other platform then agency management should be contacted before any drastic changes are made to the website. The content of the website should reflect positively on the agency.


Everyone should be mindful of the type of information they disclose on social networking sites.

Never disclose any information that is confidential, non-public or proprietary to the agency, our people or clients, including agency e-mails and internal memos.