The agency recognises the importance of helping you balance your working life with other priorities. In turn, it also recognises that staffing levels must remain in line with the demands of the agency at all times.
As such, requests from you to change your working conditions will be considered fairly and objectively, subject to consideration of relevant agency needs.
All our people have the statutory right to request flexible working.
There is no automatic right for people to work flexibly. Each application will be considered fairly and objectively, based on agency needs and appropriate resourcing for roles and departments.
Application Conditions
All our people can request a change in the number of hours they work, the pattern of hours worked and/or the location that you perform all or some of your work.
Applications for flexible working can only be made twice during a 12 month period and accepted applications will usually mean a permanent change to your terms and conditions of employment unless otherwise agreed between you and the agency. Consequently, it is important that you give careful consideration to the pattern you would like considered and any implications it might have, such as a reduction to your salary or annual leave entitlement.
Each request will be dealt with individually, taking into account the likely effects that the proposed changes to working hours or place of work are likely to have on the agency. Agreeing to one person's request will not set a precedent or create a right for another’s to be granted a similar change to their working pattern.
If you would like to apply for flexible working, you are required to make an application in writing using the Flexible Working Application form. This request should be submitted to your line manager.
Your manager will arrange a meeting with you within 28 days of receiving your request. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the changes you have proposed, the effects of the proposed changes and any possible alternative arrangements that might suit both parties.
You have the legal right to be accompanied at the meeting, and at any further such meetings, by a fellow worker of your choice. The meeting may be postponed, at your request, for up to 7 working days, if your chosen companion is not available to attend on the date set for the meeting in question. If this is the case, please inform your line manager as soon as possible.
The accompanying person is there to provide support and guidance during any internal proceedings. They may address the hearing but may not answer questions on your behalf.
Decision on Flexible Working Request
Within 14 days of this meeting, your manager will write to you either agreeing to the request; or specifying the contract variation and when it is going to take effect; or explaining why the request has been rejected.
In most circumstances, a trial period might be appropriate in order to establish the effects of the proposal on the agency, the work of your department and your colleagues before considering a permanent change to terms and conditions.